by Preston James
9/11 was undoubtedly a major transformational event in contemporary American and World history.
A strange spell was cast on Americans, and at first almost everyone believed the initial news reports, just like when JFK was Assassinated or when the Murrah Building was Bombed.
Young men and older men alike went in and signed up for military service to go and get those “Mideast Muslim Terrorists” whom the USG and their Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) had fingered.
The “Bad Guys” that did it pretended they were the “Good Guys” and blamed innocent Mideast Nations that had nothing to do with it, and attacked those falsely blamed Nations in order to start another perpetual war for massive war profits.
Powerful high tech psychotronics were deployed and a massive Psi-powered “Spell” was placed on the American people using the “blood shock” of the attacks to condition them to accept this blatantly false USG narrative (the Big Lie) delivered by their propaganda dispensers, the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM).
It was many days, weeks and months before some eventually began to understand the dirty, disgusting truth that 911 was an inside job, staged as a Gladio-style false-flag attack by a secret cabal within the highest echelons of the USG comprised of NeoCons, Israeli-American dual Citizen Traitors and infil-Traitors, some USAF Generals and top Pentagon Officials and the Mossad and its assets. (1)
9/11 was a call to action for many American men who volunteered to defend America and stop the so-called “Mideast Terror” which the USG and their Controlled Major mass media had fingered for the 9/11 attacks.
Those soldiers deployed to the Mideast to fight that caught on to the “Big Lie” of 911 and lost faith in the Mideast wars were threatened and in many cases silenced. Take Pat Tillman, a famous professional football player that gave up his huge salary and football career to enlist to serve his country and to patriotically extract justice for Americans. When he found out about the Big Lie, he was murdered at point blank range upon orders of the US Army high command. His murder was covered up for a substantial period of time, but the truth eventually leaked out. Those in charge could not let Pat Tillman go home and tell the truth of what he learned.
And even to this very day, twelve years later, less than half of the American citizenry know and believe that 911 was an inside job and NOT DONE by Mideast Muslims. But those that do know are now beginning to understand the scope of this false-flag attack and just how multifaceted it was. Air defense had to be compromised because the Pentagon, DC, and NYC are the most heavily defended areas in the world with numerous automatic ground to air automatically deployed missile defense systems which had to be deactivated by someone in command. Normal 6 minute F-16 interception scrambles had to be stopped. There had already been over 100 during 2001 so far but none on 9-11-2001.
9/11 served as a major activation point for a Transformation of America that would have taken at least a generation otherwise.
9/11 served as the activation point for the Project for a New American Century (PNAC), a plan to transform America into a world colonial war master in the Mideast for the City of London Central Banksters and Big Oil and its main cutout Israel, and was used to justify a whole new era or social epoch of American Aggression, aided by cooperative foreign leaders that wanted to share in the war spoils and continue their lucrative associations with the American Political and Defense complex.
9/11 also transformed America into a war zone at home with suspected alleged “domestic terrorists” supposedly hiding under every rock.
9/11 was also a great transformational event, quickly changing America into just another war zone with the passage of the Patriot Act and the creation of a New American Gestapo, Homeland Security, set up by NeoCon, dual Israeli-American citizen Traitors and infil-Traitors based on the neo-Bolshevik ideology of “Red Terror” which now looms over all decent American citizens as a plague waiting to be activated by almost any national tragedy or disaster, whether natural, engineered or another major false-flag like 911.
In this article it will be proposed that 911’s unmatched and extremely effective transformational power was based on the Ruling Cabal’s acquisition and use of alien high tech anti-matter explosives technology, alien high tech anti-gravity cloaking, alien high tech 3D holograph & sound generation and projection, alien mind-kontrol which included the use ofancient Babylonian alien black arts of Psi-power associated with a secret occult network in the background from which this Ruling Cabal that did 9/11 arose from in the first place as top Policy-Makers.
Alien ET presence on Planet earth can no longer be credibly denied by those who examine the publicly available evidence.
The reality of Alien ET visitation to earth can no longer be credibly denied by those who have spent a little time examining the basic available evidence such as that Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project has provided. Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Defense Minister was the first and only G8 top official to go public. he stated that at least two aliens were in America working with the USG.
Slowly but surely as time has passed since 9/11, some astute researchers began to see that the whole USG narrative dispensed by the Controlled Major Mass Media was just another big lie like the classic lie, Oswald was a lone-nut assassin. At present up to 40% in some surveys believe that the USG is lying about 9/11 and is at a minimum covering it up. Some surveys have shown that up to 80% believe that the USG is lying about the JFK Assassination by still claiming Oswald did it alone and the Warren Commission Report is accurate.
The facts now show that 9/11 was an inside job and it is now obvious that ultra high tech means was used to institute the attacks and to institute the coverup so effectively.
However as some now realize the facts are clear, 9/11 was an inside job and extremely high tech means were used to do it. For example, how were most of the twin towers turned to dust? How were two aircraft seen and videoed flying into the twin towers at impossibly high speeds, with no landing lights and serious aberrations in the videos which made such flights impossible? How could such two planes have hit the towers when FAA records later recovered showed them still flying and in service after their alleged tower strikes?
The 9/11 attacks also served as a complete justification for these wars of aggression in Iraq, Afghanistan and now in 16 other African and Mideast countries, continued as low intensity warfare utilizing paid mercenaries and secret special operations warriors.
The problem with the State provided narrative is that it is a bald faced lie and easily provable to be such.
Immediately following the 9/11 attacks at the Twin Towers in NYC and the Pentagon, the storyline was broadcast and parroted by all CMMM in unison that the attacks were based on 19 Mideast Muslims that hijacked 4 passenger aircraft with “box-cutters”, and were controlled by Osama bin Laden from a cave in Afghanistan using his cell phone who was also able to prevent all NORAD interceptions which must be activated within 6 minutes to stop any non-responding hijacked aircraft.
Upon close inspection the State supplied storyline is patently absurd in every way.
Upon close inspection this storyline is so absurd that it would seem doubtful that anyone would ever accept it. However, as was learned from Eduard Bernays and Goebbels, state propaganda can be extremely effective if dispensed by a Controlled major Mass Media in unison, with rote repetition, over and over again. As was learned in Bolshevik Russia and Maoist China, as well as other communist states like North Korea, rote repetition by the CMMM does work as a important mass mind-kontrol mechanism.
The Power and tyranny of the State is used to bludgeon truth out of “we the people”.
The power of the state was used a brute force to silence true witnesses, often by threats, sometimes by murder. When that was not sufficient the rote repetition of the State provided narrative of lies using the CMMM in many cases is enough to drown out the truth provided by the alternative media on the Internet and by word of mouth of actual witnesses. However, the ability of the CMMM to do this is rapidly waning as more and more go to the alternative media on the worldwide Internet for their news.
In the final analysis, most citizens believed the official State narrative because it fulfilled their deep emotional need to see the USG and the CMMM as the good guys, the good parent figures who always want their best and could never do such an evil thing as murder 3,000 Americans in order to fight Israeli’s wars in the Mideast to protect the central Banksters big oil interests and other natural resources they were itching to get their hands on.
American Intel has been for the most part infil-Traited and hijacked and used as an instrument of suppression of dissent against the American People.
The problem in America is that most do not understand the degree of penetration of American intel into every major institution of society including and especially the Major Mass Media and the sad fact that the CMMM is a propaganda mouthpiece for the Ruling Cabal of a few top Policy-Makers.
According to former CIA Director William Colby, “The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media.”
Another former CIA Director, William Casey, stated “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
Anyone who doubts that American intel fully captured the Major mass Media and transformed it into the Controlled major Mass media, its main propaganda dispenser can easily show this by studying now declassified “Operation Mockingbird” documents.
Almost every major Corporation has been hijacked by the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) through its agents, American intel.
Basically Americans just plain do not understand that almost every major corporation has been hijacked and taken over one way or another to serve as a agent of American Intel, which itself currently is serving as nothing but an enforcer for the Central Banksters and the worldwide network of approximately 140 key interlocked corporations that are deeply associated with it.
Here is how the “No-Work List” works. If one has been put on the list the list due to behaviors that the FBI or DHS or some other USG agency has identified as defined by their “domestic terror activities description list” or for any arbitrary reason, the person’s employer receives a visit from an FBI agent or a DHS agent and is shown a “national security letter to read, but which cannot be kept. The employer is told something to the effect, “this employee is a suspected domestic terrorist”, or “has been associating with known terrorists”, or something like that, and “we believe it would be safer for your employees if he were not employed here any longer”.The letter is taken back, the employer is informed that it is a 10,000 USD fine and up to ten years in a federal prison to disclose the contents of the letter or the visit. A business card is left by the agent and the employer is told, we have a special department that will help you find a way to release this individual and make sure that any legal actions by she/he goes nowhere because we have arrangements with court clerks and can make sure such cases get to one of our judges. Numerous times such a visit is made to a potential employer to prevent a federal whistle-blower from being hired. As many now realize this is the norm for most whistle-blowers that they cannot get jobs even when by far the best qualified applicant.
There is also believed to be an “Harassment or Tension List” where a targeted individual is watched and creatively stressed by manipulation of his/her environment and working conditions if employed. This is often a strategy of creating daily tension in the target’s life, interrupting their normal successes and making everything “a bitch” to accomplish. Sometime depending on the assigned “threat status” an individual’s car, residence, job, friends, spouse, family and everything in their life is obstructed or tampered with. Retired USG workers or military from special access programs are occasionally used to do gang stalking for harassment purposes and sometimes in certain cases hand-held high tech psychotronic weapons are used to create headaches, memory loss, difficulty concentrating and various illnesses.
There is an immediate need for Congress to set up an Independent Counsel and continually running open hearings on the penetration of Israel foreign espionage groups such as DHS, Aipac, ADL, SPLC and the like.
Congressmen and women and Senators need to wake up from their Israeli mind-kontrolled stupor and take back America from Israeli espionage penetration. Yes, DHS is little more than a military outpost for the City of London Central Banksters police state agent, Israel, which flies the luciferian hex star flag which symbolizes alien/human hybridization going all the way back to ancient Babylonia. And that is where the Central Banksters Babylonian Money-Magick comes from, you know the black arts of pernicious usury, fake money from nothing which creates debt slaves all over the world, especially in America and is a mechanism to steal all the people’s hard earned money.
What these Congressmen/women and Senators do not seem to understand is that by funding DHS and allowing it to expand, militarize and oppress America, they are probably signing their own future death warrants because the overall task of DHS is to eventually institute a new Red Terror and to function as a neo-Bolshevik Red Cheka. Remember the folks who set up and run DHS are the same folks that planned and executed the 9/11 attacks so we can expect nothing good but evil, tyranny, terror and mass death from DHS. It is time for there to be numerous grand juries set up to start prosecuting these hundreds of Israeli-American dual citizen spies for illegal espionage, sedition and treason.It is absolute absurd for Congress to allow such a criminal, unConstitutional organization such as DHS to form, build up and militarize. This can only be explained by the massive deployment of advanced psychotonics and Psi-power spells using alien ET technology. Doubt that DHS has a secret agenda to murder 80% of Americans including all politicians and high military and top corporate officials, then you better study the Red Terror of Bolshevik Russia in 1917 and Stalin’s and Mao’s massive purges and terror/mass murder machines. Americans and American politicians need to WAKE UP and take America backfrom these neo-Bolsheviks behind DHS who did the 9/11 attacks before it is too late.
And all such organizations such as DHS, Aipac, ADL and SPLC should be immediately locked down, all involved registered as foreign agents inside America and fully investigated as agents of foreign espionage on Israeli’s behalf. All those who accepted money of any type (campaign contributions, etc.) and bribes from Aipac, must be either fully prosecuted as tools of foreign espionage against Americans and immediately recalled or impeached. And the ADL must be prevented from ever having anything to do with police departments and the military and never be allowed to do any anti-terror training. Obviously they are the experts on world terror because they originate almost all of it one way or another with help from the CIA, Saudi Arabia, and the UK.
Orthodox Christian Pastor Brother Nathanael has proposed a hard-hitting “four point plan” to stop the espionage and illegal political influence of Aipac and the like cold.
Now who are the REAL TERRORISTS?
Classically the FBI has had a special unit specializing in this delivery of “domestic harassment and torture” and there are several well known cases where they have used such a program against their own FBI whistle-blowers. Two FBI agents were far too high profile and handled things too effectively for this to be done to: Philip Whitehurst MD, and Colleen Rowley, both great American heroes who refused to engage in any wrongdoing or to cover up FBI crimes. However, the FBI and CIA as well as Miltel have murdered hundreds including even women and children to create and maintain coverups for those less fortunate or skilled to protect themselves. Obviously when possible, going public and being able to gain major public attention and visibility can help one to survive immensely.
The FBI has always been a blackmail and terror group set up to serve as an enforcer for the Ruling Cabal and the Central Banksters. Naturally it has been quite easy for them to become deeply involved in the neo-Bolshevik oppression of American Patriots and dissidents who question 9/11 or any other covert USG high crimes and misdemeanors. Are all FBI agents functional criminals and enemies of “we the people”? No, many are good folks who are kept in the dark and used in some compartmented tasks without understand overall FBI functions to destroy the American Republic and the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. It is the top FBI leadership that are the abject criminals, traitors, murderers and enemies of American Freedom and Liberty. And unknown to most the FBI does a substantial amount of the real dirty work and illegal ops for the NSA. (2) Take the great American Hero Geral Sosbee who was an FBI agent who refused to go along and do illegal acts. He has been terribly harassed using advanced psychotronics and everything normal folks cannot imagine. His case clearly shows that the FBI is truly a criminal RICO organization serving as the enforcer for the City of London Central Banksters. (3) And it is now known that the FBI runs its own Terrorist Screening Center which now has over 700,000 on its “Terror Watch list. (4) There are some foreigners on this list but almost all are American Citizens. Once placed on the list, which can be done by numerous low level law enforcement, FBI agents or USG officials, one can never get off the list or get any appeal, just like DHS’s Main Core Assassination List of American patriots, and dissenters. The number one classified “potential domestic terrorists” are Catholics, followed by Evangelicals, followed by Veterans, Constitutionalists, and Tax Protestors. This of course is complete bullcrap but just shows how criminally insane these top Policy-Makers are and shows how they just confabulate psychotic lies to smear and use as a means to persecute innocent folks who pay their fat USG salaries.
The only real domestic terrorists are those who occupy the highest positions in DHS and the FBI, and these folks are dangerous, very dangerous to the freedoms and lives of all good Americans.
When either FBI agents or DHS agents (sometimes CIA or Miltel) are tasked to make visits to employers with National Security Letters to initiate a separation or harassment procedure, it has been learned that they give the approximate following narrative. The employer is told, Al Quae Da is expanding its membership and recruiting dissatisfied Americans and those that are vulnerable to being recruited into a domestic terror network without realizing it. (actually the only ones doing this are the CIA and FBI when they pick retarded or mentally ill folks to entrap and set up to be terror patsies!). They tell the employer that they are working closely with corporations to “nip this in the bud early” so that these terror groups cannot succeed. In this way they are working hard to prevent more 9/11’s and need the employers help, everyone’s safety depends on it. It’s all a lie of course just like everything else related to the USG and CMMM narratives on 9/11 and Al Quae Da which is actually Al Cia Duh.
So you have a situation of complete total duplicity where the world’s biggest terrorists, the folks who specialize in blackmail, murder, harassment of the innocent or anyone who want the Constitution or Bill of Rights followed and Rule of Law, claiming they are preventing future terror and more 911’s when they have always been the whole problem right from the very start. This is of course the epitome of hippocrasy and pure, unmitigated evil beyond what normal folks can imagine and that’s why they have gotten away with it so far.
As many now realize when placed on the “No-Fly List” or one of these special watch lists, there is no appeal process available and mid-level supervisory agents have the power to do this with absolutely no oversight. Now this is a true definition of abject tyranny. When Senator Ted Kennedy was placed on the “No-Fly List”, he tried numerous times to get his name taken off, but never succeeded nor could he ever get any explanation who put him on the list, if it was a mistake or why he was on the list. And he was a powerful US Senator, Go figure. Yes, this is pure tyranny by mid level asinine abusers using color of law to violate the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.
And now a current situation is developing which is very interesting and is best summarized as “what is good for the goose is good for the gander”. There are Reports that DHS has actuated a 19 million dollar contract to hire special “security agents” to protect key industrial leaders and officials.
These new DHS high security agents must have top secret security clearances. What is not being told is that some of them will likely be deeply mind-kontrolled sleepers which can be activated to do just the opposite of what they roles are claimed, that is to take out these folks they are supposed to be protecting when they are “activated”. And this fits with DHS’s neo-Bolshevik agenda to set up a new Red Terror mechanism, a new Red Cheka to mass murder Americans and take out top political and industrial leaders. And the story doesn’t end here, many police departments have set up procedures for their officers to practice taking mock pills for biological warfare protection (typically packaged M & Ms used for trials). Officers have been instructed to practice taking them on an assigned schedule and have been sworn to secrecy along with special anti-domestic terror training. One individual told me most officers played along, but actually tossed them, because they didn’t trust what could be in them or the real ones, and expected the real ones to contain either poison or the actual biological weapon itself. So it is fair to say that a significant amount of distrust exists within many police departments towards DHS and their ADL anti-domestic terror trainers. And some officers deeply resent DHS and see it as abject tyranny infringing on their responsibilities and rights as peace officers and an attempt to make them mere federal or military clones and order takers of the DHS which they deeply resent.
Turning America into a new war zone is the apparent secret USG agenda.
It has become pretty obvious to the Ruling Cabal that the Internet has essentially sideswiped them, that they did not anticipate its ability to create a newly emerging world populism and a strong new populism inside America. In order to maintain their power they now know that it is necessary to continue to transform America by use of synthetic or staged terror, sometimes virtual terror such as at Sandy Hook. Obviously the transformation of America into a domestic war zone using staged, synthetic and virtual will open up huge new defense industry markets, perhaps allowing the continuance of huge profits for the Central Banksters as well as the defense related industries and security providers. And in the process, the mechanisms of complete suppression of any domestic protests or dissension, even though a basic Constitutional Right, can be used to prevent “we the people” from taking control over their nation back.
It is pretty clear that America the Republic has been hijacked by foreign Central Banksters and their cutouts who now have established a stranglehold over it by buying, bribing, compromising and coercing almost every single Senator and Congressperson. Use of lucrative revolving door contracts, absurdly high speaking honorariums and many other secret perks are part of the means of “human compromise” and influence-peddling.
These staged illegal, unConstitutional, undeclared, unprovoked Perpetual Wars are destructive to the US Constitution, Bill of Rights, Rule of Law and basic American Freedom and Liberty.
“Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes. And armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended. Its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds, are added to those of subduing the force of the people. The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud, growing out of a constant state of war . . . and in the degeneracy of manners and morals, engendered by both. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.”
– James Madison, April 20, 1795
The CMMM typically transforms good Americans into a deer in the headlights.
When the major network “talking heads” (who are hand selected for their appearance of credibility and believability) all parrot the same storyline, the average American becomes a deer in the headlights and fall for it.
9/11 is a perfect example. Thousands of young American men and women immediately enlisted to go and fight who they believed were the Mideast Muslim Terrorists that did it. A precedent had already been set with the set up with the very crafty entrapment of Saddam Husein in the first Iraq war where US Ambassador April Glaspie told him that the Kuwaiti Government was cross drilling into his main oil filed and that if he decided to do something about it, the USG would consider it an inter-arab conflict and stay out of it. Of course this was a very clever set up and Saddam fell into it hook line and sinker when America intel used a top public relations firm to spread masterful media lies like the one told by the young girl that Saddam’s soldiers ripped babies out of the incubators and threw them on the floor of the hospital to die.
Divide and Conquer is the age old game of the Hidden Occult Masters who control world central banking aka the “money-changers”.
Divide and conquer is the age old game of the Babylonian Money-Magick folks, you know, the City of London Banksters, the cutouts for the Old Black European Nobility (OBN) who desire to remain in the background while puling the strings and levers of governments, banking, intel and the military.
And of course it is now known that as is usual pre-war policy, Saddam Hussein was a sheep-dipped CIA assassin who was built up to be a tyrant and supplied with massive arms and munitions, as well as poison gas and biological warfare precursors in exchange for much of his massive oil profits. And numerous European countries were part of this big Iraq arms buildup, in which Saddam was used as a counter-force against Iran. This of course is the age old City of London Financial District strategy of “divide and conquer”, to keep one enemies fighting among themselves and consuming wealth and lives, thus weakening their nations and peoples.
This strategy worked for many years as England built up its collection of colonies all over the world. But as their colonial power failed, they implemented a very crafty plan to replace the colonial government structure with central Banking systems, covertly franchised from the Bank of England. these systems were all based on ancient Babylonian Money-Magick, reputed to be a type of “Black Magic” that could create money nothing as well as provide interest for loaning such fiat currency while transforming the citizens of such nations into debt slaves from the pernicious usury which formed the basis of the system of Central Banking. And of course the secret insignia or symbol for these Babylonia Black-Magic Arts from which Money-Magick came from is the Hex-Star, or the merging of the upward facing triangle (Nephilim or Beast Blood) and the downward facing Triangle (Human Female Blood). This was never the “Star of David” as many have been led to believe. It originated back in Babylonian times and emerged in Judaic circles after 700 AD. Some call it the luciferian flag and believe it symbolizes the “teaming power” of lucifer, the god of this world.
And as numerous experts now believe the new Mideast country of Israel was set up as the private army and intel headquarters of the Rothschild Central Banking Family, you know, AKA the Bauers that basically infiltrated and took over merry old England and now run the City of London Financial District and perhaps every Central bank in the world. Some have estimated the families holdings at 750 Trillion dollars. Rothschild translated means “child of the rock” and their original coat of arms was a Red Shield, the color which seems to be associated with the arising of Bolshevism, the “Reds” and communism, collectivism, the “red Guard”, etc. It is believed by numerous researchers who have studied this extreme wealthy, connected and powerful family that they are the nexus of evil in the world and have been involved in the financing of every major war as well as have reaped huge profits from such wars.
Some astute researchers who have followed all the trails believe that Babylonian Money-Magick and its pernicious usury and debt-slavery of the central Banksters has actually been provided by involvement with aliens and cross breeding between aliens and humans to create hybrids with super Psi-powers from the “Dark Side”, that is luciferian black arts which the Old Black Nobility (OBN) have been known for since ancient times. If true then, Psi-power is luciferian Black arts power provided by aliens to a certain select of humans who have been deeply involved with them for many generations. For those that doubt this some basic research on Aleister Crowley and how an alien ET Gray type appeared to him inside a pyramid in Egypt. This same power was sought by certain top SS men in the basement of Wewelsberg Castle. These was related to their occult organization “The Black Sun”. Some experts believe that it was the occult connection to these “alien ET spirit guides” which provided the advanced Nazi weapons technology, including anti-gravity craft and perhaps even time-warping.
Most can now agree that all wars are Banker’s Wars.
As the classic and highly respected movie by Michael Rivero “All Wars Are Bankers Wars” (5), a very important movie, has shown, Central Banking’s largest profits come from major wars one way or another and sometime short selling and related market manipulation are part of it. And as historians know, the Rothschild’s takeover of the English banking system was really based on some very crafty market manipulation related to advanced knowledge of Napoleon’s defeat.
The Rothschilds are deeply involved in the highest echelons of Freemasonry and thus linked to a worldwide occult system, with the core secrets hidden from the lower echelons.The secret of freemasonry, only available to the highest oath takers is that they worship what they call the “great architect of the Universe” whom they call lucifer. And yet some who have defected have claimed that lucifer is evil and the practices his followers promote in secret are evil too, although the organizations cover is that of a charitable community organization.
The Rothscild’s fly the luciferian flag and set up their own luciferian nation-state in Palestinian-owned land, and took such lands by systematic aggression and capture at the direction of the City of London Central Banksters, the Rothschild world zionists. These Central Banksters and their American Federal Reserve franchisees appear to have very craftily set up all major wars and staged them for massive profits and to further an agenda of “death and survival of the fittest”. As many know part of this worldwide occult network is the Russell Trust AKA the Skull and Bones fraternity of Yale University which meets in the windowless “Tomb”. Their theme is purification of the human species through the ministering of mass death through war while gaining money and power at the same time. Instead they produce the putrification and corruption of Government and society and create immense evil and suffering in society marked by needless wars of acquisition and mass death and suffering of the innocent. they want death and suffering for everyone else but their group of the “chosen ones”.
Most members of the Ruling Cabal are members of secret occult death Cults with known luciferian beliefs which regard the average human as a useless eater, except for themselves (who are the “chosen ones”).
Most of the Ruling Cabal of top Policy-Makers are part of death cults that worship death and believe it must be ministered to mankind by war in order for the supper-elite chosen ones (them) to be able to maintain power, and be able to cull the herd and reduce population and weed out the undesirables. Their goal is to “hive” the people of the world to think in lockstep as they direct.
A detailed examination of the seemingly impossible occurrences of the 9/11 attacks suggest that advanced alien technology was obtained and used on that fateful day.
The unmatched and extremely effective transformational power of 911 can really only be adequately explained if one assumes that it was based on the following acquisitions and use of alien advanced technology. If one truly wants to explain all the strange occurrences related to the attacks of 9/11/01 and the successful coverup afterwards in the days that followed, one must look to the application and use of alien technology obtained through long term arrangements between these occult black arts family members who rose to become top Policy-Makers.
1. Ruling Cabal’s acquisition and use of alien mind-kontrol. Obviously the well known psyops technique of “Blood-shock” was used on9/11 which makes the public very suggestible to state provided narratives carried by the CMMM. This method was also used with the JFK Assassination by use of public execution in broad daylight with a concocted film later released to dramatize the head snap and recondition the public to keep denying the truth of a conspiracy. The blood-shock of 911 provided a means to set the storyline that the “19 evil Muslims with box-cutters” from Afghanistan did it under the guidance of Osama bin Laden who made the whole USAF/NORAD stand down by use of his cell phone from a cave in Afghanistan. It is also strongly suspected that beyond-black “alien Hiving” technology was deployed by use of advanced space station and ground antenna deployed psychotronics was used to create human hive mentality of obedience and belief in the state sponsored 911 narrative dispensed by their partners in crime the evil disgusting but whitewashed CMMM.
2. Ruling Cabal’s acquisition and use of alien high tech anti-matter explosives technology. There is sufficient evidence to show that various types of advanced explosive devices were used in the twin towers and in WTC7. There was an initial underground blast seconds before the first plan hit (conventional), numerous explosions when the alleged plan strikes occurred (conventional and high tech), and ultra-high tech anti-matter devices were used inside the elevator shafts one every ten floors detonated one per second from the top down, turning the building to dust and leaving radioactive tracers behind. There could have been a small conventional neutron device planted in the basement as an upward facing shaped charge which left some radioactive tracers. It appears that WTC has conventional high explosives pre-planted in the building which were detonated at 5:20 PM to demo the building.
3. Ruling Cabal’s acquisition and use of alien high tech anti-gravity cloaking. Beyond-Black secret anti-gravity cloaking technology has been available for at least 30 years by certain DOD USAF contractors. This could have been used to hide the use of any cruise missile or smaller plan which struck the Twin Towers. It is not know however at this time for certain whether any plane, missile or flying object hit the twin towers or not or if it was a staged holographic from a space platform and a close-by control aircraft.
4. Ruling Cabal’s acquisition and use of alien high tech 3D holograph & sound generation and projection. It is known that beyond-black holographic technology exists which can project 3D moving images and sound which will fool many. Close study of the videos shown far too many aberrations for them to be realistic portrayals of any aircraft strikes. It is known that alien high technology does exist which could have been used.
5. Ruling Cabal’s acquisition and use of the ancient Babylonian alien black arts of Psi-power associated with a secret occult network in the background from which this Ruling Cabal that did 911 arose from in the first place as top Policy-Makers. Based on anecdotal evidence and personal testimonies it is now known that top Policy-Makers must sell their souls to lucifer to obtain their own personal spirit guide which many believe is an evil alien parasite that grants use of Psi-powers to their host. This transaction cannot occur unless they have freely given up their souls first, i.e. been “soul-snatched” by recurrent violation of the Golden Rule, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Psi-power is the ages old, ancient Babylonian Black arts, aka “Black-Magic” which is the root of Babylonian Money-Magick which drives Central banking’s use of fiat debt-based currency, and pernicious usury which produces debt slavery all over the world. Declassified documents have shown that the US Military has spent many millions doing research on Psi-power, attempting to walk through walls and contact alien greys through complex black arts rituals. The USG says these programs were discontinued. Don’t believe it, a little basic research will show that they are spending more than ever and doing joint research with aliens in underground bases (DUMBS).
It’s a pretty good bet that massive Psi-power was used to “cast a spell” on Americans in order to be able to pull off the 9/11 operations so successfully. To do this weird rituals and numbers must be used, such as murdering JFK in masonic Dealey Plaza at the 33rd degree triple underpass. For those who do not believe that the US Army top command went luciferian and Psi for at least a while (an probably still are, especially with the remote viewing programs) do some research on the “Temple of Set”, Wewelsburg Castle, and the Black Sun. You will be simply amazed because it all came here to America under Operation paperclip. It’s all a “can of worms” but you will quickly get an idea of what has been going on.
Some believe that there are alien/human hybrids that have risen to the top Policy-Maker positions in society using the powers provided by the black arts and selling their souls to lucifer to obtain a spirit guide and special powers to obtain success, wealth, status and power.
Of course the usual question arises quite often when discussing this subject, “if the aliens that assisted the 9/11 attacks are so high tech and so advanced and so evil, why don’t they just take over the whole world at once and get rid of all humans?” The answer that some insiders have provided as an explanation is that there are Rules of Play to the Universe set by a God Almighty. If alien ETs are going to take over Planet Earth they must do so according to rules of human free-will and human consent, and must allow the truth to be told. They cannot go where too many people refuse to do evil or break the Golden Rule according to this narrative. Humans must be dirtied up and corrupted first, making them easier to control and that is the job of Hollywoodism and the cultural evil it conditions.
It is not a well established fact that various groups withing the USG, American Military, Intel, NASA, and private DOD contractors have established treaties with alien ETs. It is also known that super-elite deviants members of the Ruling Cabal who are Kingpins in a worldwide occult network have been involved with an evil group of aliens since at least ancient Babylonia and perhaps even earlier. Because these matters are so compartmented inside the USG, American Military, Intel, NASA, and private DOD contractors, the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing. All the evidence points to an evil Ruling Cabal working with an evil group of alien ETs planned, initiated and covered up the 9/11 attacks as a part of an aggressive alien agenda.
Below is the quite long, very detailed personal testimony by Don Phillips, a highly respected engineer with impeccable credentials (and a very good man too) which provides background on alien to human technology transfer. It starts out slow but is packed with some amazing information released for the first time ever. Because these matters are so compartmented I do not believe he was ever informed of the dark side of the alien ET phenomena, that is, the groups that some regard as Nephilim or fallen angels, demons or Jinns. Not included in this video, there is however credible testimony available from highly regarded sources that at least one alien ET group is evil and is an enemy of mankind and has an agenda to take over planet earth, terra-form it and repopulate it with their new alien ET/human hybrid transhuman species one step at a time starting in the continent of Africa.
For those that have the time and the interest, I have included the following video for those who want to go a step further in learning about technology transfer from aliens to humans. Consider this, you can expect many more mind-blowing information releases like this coming soon. Many experts believe that we will soon see an end to all secrecy thanks to the worldwide Internet and the newly emerging populism associated with it.
Some insiders know and have stated that there is an Alien Agenda which is controlling the actions of the top Policy-Makers who are known to be associated with a worldwide secret occult network. This Alien Agenda is purported to be involved in Terra-Forming the Earth in successive steps, starting with the Continent of Africa where the first alien-hybrid are scheduled to inhabit at some future point according to well founded rumors of a secret treaty with Aliens and top world officials.
The alien agenda has been to raise up families of “the chosen ones” who may be alien hybrids themselves, who will create a worldwide NWO tyranny which can provide the complete control and tyranny necessary to deploy worldwide Terra-Forming which includes aircraft spraying of chem-trails and the use of GMO food and other high tech methods for the controlled depopulation of planet earth, in order to provide space for the new alien hybrid race. If this is true, then the Alien Agenda has achieved a great deal of gains from the 9/11 inside-job false-flag attacks and may continue to use staged or virtual terror like at Sandy Hook where there were no dead kids at all and crisis actors were used to stage a phony mass/live-shooter event as a covert attack on the Second Amendment.
(1) Israel Did 911, All the Proof in the World,
(3) Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower,
(5) Michael Rivero, , All Wars are Bankers Wars,
For those that want more information about this one can refer back to the Secret Space War series published on Veterans Today under . A big thank you to the Editors of Veterans Today for allowing the truth to be told.
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