woensdag 7 december 2016

Coming Thursday 8th Dec 21:00 CET From the Unseen Worlds with Wilhelmina McKittrick and Christina Schwind

Deze keer zal From the Unseen Worlds uitgezonden worden in het Engels

Presentation : Jeroen Ghuijs

Guests       : Wilhelmina McKittrick and Christina Schwind
This time our broadcast will be brought to you in the English Language

Introduction of Christina Schwind and Wilhelmina McKittrick 

Christina is a master accelerator and multidimensional activator. She is a powerful light body healer assisting people with their soul’s evolution; deepening the embodiment of their Divine Self and awakening their multidimensional awareness. She has an unique and thorough approach to resolving chronic pain, physical effects of stress, and emotional anxiety.  Christina has practiced as a professional multidimensional body worker since 2006, sharing wisdom teachings and empowering others in transforming their lives and quality of BEing.   For 20 years, she experimented with activating alternate awareness states that are deeply healing.  In the late 90’s she began her work with indigenous record keeper Barbara Hand Clow, mastering the multidimensional activation process.  She carries transmissions from ancient lineages of the Americas, Siberia, the Tao of China, Bodhisattvas, and beyond.  The Elders and Grand Masters of these lineages lovingly gift the strands of their medicine and wisdom teachings to help bridge humanity to the New Paradigm consciousness. 

Read more about Christina, on www.LightbodyInc.com

Wilhelmina is an author, intuitive artist, and hypnotherapist helping others uncover the truth of their divine Self. With her natural connection to the light of truth of her divine nature, she helps others recognize their own connection to their light. She has been helping others in various ways, guiding humanity through their ultimate challenges. Since 1999, her higher levels began guiding and teaching her, once she said yes to her conscious inner journey with Spirit. Many of those teachings she passed on through her book “Self-Awareness - Rediscovering your Truth”. Even though she was born and raised in The Netherlands, and moved to the United States in 2001, the world is her playground. She shares her teachings through Dutch and English radio shows, workshops, and one-on-one consultations. 
Read more about Wilhelmina, on www.xsist.orgwww.wilhelminapaintings.comwww.wilhelminamckittrick.com – soon online: www.newlifehypnosis.com 

Listen coming Thursday at 21:00 CET to Finding Voices Radio.



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